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Host the "Be an Idol" - Songwriting Program at your centre!

During this exciting new course, participants will form small groups and create their own CD from start to finish, to share with family and friends for years to come! Participants will be amazed at their abilities, as they create their own lyrics, perform and ultimately record their own CD!  In addition to singing, “Idols” will design their own CD cover and create their “look”.  A photo session will take place and each CD label will be customized for the performers. No experience is necessary and all materials and inspiration are included.

For information hosting our songwriting program at your centre, please call
416-893-6112 or contact us at info@poprocks.ca.

Day 1: Introduction to program
The program will kick off with an introductory recording session. Students can listen to and perform songs by their favourite artists. Components of what makes a song and artist successful will be discussed. i.e. Style of music, artist image, look and creative design of CD cover. Participants will listen and learn about various music genres including Pop, Rock, Dance and Country.   

Day 2:  Song selection and Lyric composition begins
Our songwriter will help the students compose their lyrics.  Performing groups will be formed based on common song theme and styles of music.

Day 3: Singing begins
Participants will continue to write and rehearse their lyrics. Participants will be given basic vocal training and will be encouraged to practice and experiment with the range and strength of their voice.  

Day 4:  Becoming an “Idol”
The marketing success of various artists will be discussed. Participants will be responsible for creating their own “look”, including wardrobe and CD cover content. Each person will choose a CD cover from our samples and customize their wording i.e. CD Title and dedications   

Day 5: Picture Day has arrived. 
Each participant will be asked to dress appropriately. Props will be provided including glitter, scarves and hats. Digital pictures of each participant and one group shot will be taken for use on the customized CD cover.

Day 6 and 7:  Time to step into the Mobile Recording Booth!
Throughout these classes, students will perfect their recordings, complete their CD cover designs and select pictures for the cover. Each person will perform their own verse and the chorus will be recorded as a group. Throughout these sessions participants will be exposed to the basics of music production. 

Day 8:  The Grand Finale
The final class will be dedicated to being an “Idol”. The class will enjoy the last day singing their favorite songs. Parents and family will be invited into the class to see their children in action! Completed CD’s will be presented to each participant.


4 week program - 2 hours on Wednesday nights, 6-8pm
Your centre!
How Much:
$150 per participant.  Includes all materials and training
Suggested Age:
Boys and Girls between the ages of 9 - 14 are ideal for this program